
        Mirielle A. Rohr is an artist and photographer born and raised in Berlin. She focuses on intimate and human relationships and their stories through performative and photographic expression, finding metaphors for our contemporary society. She completed her B.A. in Communication Design at the FH Potsdam in Germany and had her first solo exhibition immediately afterwards. To further advance and challenge her practice, she started the M.A. program in Photography at L'École cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 2024 she is part of Wül Collective.

        In 2023, Mirielle A. Rohr co-founded the fashion and still life photography duo called STUDY FROM LIFE. They were finalists of the Picto Fashion Photography Prize 2024 and have been published by magazines such as SLEEK Magazine, Teeth Magazine and Badlon Magazine.

For questions and a more detailed portfolio please contact by email. 

  1. Solo-Show in Tribes, Berlin 2021
  2. Frontiere di Sabbia  in collaboration with the Biennale dell’Immagine di Chiasso 2023
  3. PhotoSCHWEIZ in Zurich 2024


  1. SLEEK Magazine
  2. Teeth Magazine
  3. Badlon Magazine


  1. Finalist for Picto Fashion Photography Prize 2024
  2. Shortlist BBA Prize 2024

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